What clients say about my coaching...
Students (Most recent on top - Click name to read.)
Either by hard work or plain luck, I have a special gift with kids:)
Sheela Surisetty
Sheela found me on Thumbtack. We had a great conversation that led to me doing a lesson and becoming her daughter's coach. She's one of the most exciting students I've ever had, very motivated. The story of the lessons is also amazing. See the link to that story in the testimonial.
Sorry, but you must see this...
Aarichisha Surisetty's (Age 7)
This is her unsolicited testimonial. I have never received a testimonial from one of my young students. You have to see it.
Alex Wu
Alex's daughter had attended one of my after-school chess programs and really enjoyed it. He decided to have me coach her privately.
Qiu Wang This was a brother & sister who didn't know how to play when we started.
Dan Chapman Dan's son was one of the most talented students in my after-school chess classes.
Pritee Gupta Pritee was an employee at Kids to Pros (below) that hired me to develop their after-school program. Her daughter was interested in chess, so I gave her a lesson there, which led to private lessons.
Professional (schools, coaches, etc.)
Ted Castro (Owner of NorCal House of Chess - chess school)
Kids To Pros (After-school chess program company)
I taught K6 after-school classes for them for a year before they hired me as Chess Program Director.
Rick Wolfrom (Ches Instructor)
Rick was the lead teacher in a large class with 3 instructors, of which I was one.
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I have taught after-school chess for numerous schools since 2013. Additionally, I worked for 3 months building and directing the chess program at Kids to Pros.
Additionally, if you go to my LinkedIn Profile you will find many professional testimonials re my teaching and coaching skills as a sales trainer for over 30 years. I have hundreds of hours of professional education in accelerated learning, study technology, professional presenting, and courseware development.
My personal 15-minutes of fame in chess.
Players above from left to right: My opponent-Victor Puploes, my buddy Neil Regan, IM Jermey Silman, myself, and FM Richard Lobo
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In 1980 I played in an open tournament, beating a 2300 master in the last round to tie for second place in the tournament. I tied with three 2400 players, International Master (IM) Silman and Federation Master (FM) Lobo. I don't remember who the third player was.
I was very fortunate to have had my coach take this picture of the post-game analysis.