FREE Subscriber Membership...
The purpose of the Subscriber Membership is to help every parent and child further their knowledge and interest in chess. The game of chess has given me so much, I feel obligated to pay-it-forward and help others:)
With your membership, you will receive the following...
FREE advice on how to take your child's chess forward...
You may contact me via LinkedIn, email, or phone with any questions you may have.
Immediate access to my beginning student "First Chess Study" program.
Your child will see immediate improvement from the variety of recommended activities with specific instructions as to how to execute them. These activities are part of what my private students do as homework!
Instant access to my "Board Vision" mini-course of training exercises.
Board vision is the ability to clearly see where the pieces can move and what they can do. This is the first step in becoming a better player. These unique exercises will make your child proficient at moving all the pieces. That mastery of piece movement should immediately win them games:)
You will receive numerous additional aids to help kids play better.
This includes many items I've created or found, such as a set of chess strategy rules, a guide on how to keep score without distracting yourself and making mistakes, and a link to a resource where you can get many chess books if PDF format for FREE.
Limited random access to some of the paid membership content...
You will occasionally get access to premium videos or even to live webinars done for my paid subscribers.
To be honest, my membership is priced so inexpensively, it's really hard to justify not getting it for your child - and you may cancel at any time. (Paid Membership Page)
Just fill out this form to start your FREE Chess Coach Flyn Subscriber Membership today!
If you have more than 1 child put "Name-Name" in Childs name field
© Copyright, Flyn Penoyer. All Rights Reseved.